The Backyard Habitat Certification Program is a regional program that provides support and incentives for residents who seek to restore native habitats to their backyards.
Friends of Tryon Creek support Backyard Habitat Certification efforts for City of Lake Oswego residents because thriving backyard habitats extend the ecological benefits of Tryon Creek State Natural Area for wildlife, pollinators, and all of our nearby neighbors.
The program offers members:
the opportunity to create natural habitats for wildlife
reduce their dependence on pesticides
promote native plants, and
successfully manage stormwater systems.
The Lake Oswego Backyard Habitat Program is supported by the City of Lake Oswego and facilitated by Friends of Tryon Creek, in collaboration with the Bird Alliance of Portland and Columbia Land Trust.
The Lake Oswego Sustainability Network also has a helpful resource for Electrify Your Landscaping / Healthy Yard Care.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact our Backyard Habitat Program Coordinator.